How NOT to Sound Like You Are ChatGPT

One of the first signs that you might be channeling your inner ChatGPT is the use of overly formal language or an excessive reliance on buzzwords. Words like “synergy,” “innovation,” and “ev...
How NOT to Sound Like You Are ChatGPT
Written by Rich Ord
  • In today’s digital landscape—yes, I just went there—there’s a rising concern among writers and content creators: sounding too much like ChatGPT. While AI tools have become indispensable for many professionals, the downside is the unmistakable “AI vibe” that can seep into your writing, making it seem robotic, overly formal, or just plain unnatural. But fear not! With a bit of effort and awareness, you can ensure that your content sounds human, engaging, and distinctly you.

    The AI Tell: Over-Formalization and Buzzword Overload

    One of the first signs that you might be channeling your inner ChatGPT is the use of overly formal language or an excessive reliance on buzzwords. Words like “synergy,” “innovation,” and “ever-evolving” might sound polished, but they also scream, “I was generated by an algorithm.” As Daniel Kenitz humorously pointed out, “In the ever-evolving world of talking like this, one person stands out: me.” The key takeaway here is that while these words can be useful, overusing them or inserting them into every sentence can make your writing feel disingenuous.

    Jeffery Nicolaysen, a seasoned writer, shared a poignant observation on this topic: “How dystopian is it that competent writing is now assumed to be AI, eloquence and precision of language are frowned upon, and any form of complex sentence structure is assumed to be run-on?” The concern is real—good writing should feel organic, not forced or formulaic.

    Avoiding the “AI-Tone”

    To avoid sounding like a machine, one must steer clear of the “AI tone”—a tone that tends to be overly neutral and lacks personality. While AI can generate well-structured sentences, it often lacks the nuanced flair that makes human writing stand out. “It’s funny that professional work society created this weirdly specific and laughably over-the-top ‘professional’ way of writing,” said Trevor Merrill, highlighting the absurdity of the rigid, AI-like writing style.

    Injecting your unique voice into your writing is crucial. This can be achieved by:

    1. Using Contractions: Don’t be afraid to use contractions like “don’t,” “won’t,” and “you’re.” These small changes can make your writing feel more conversational and less robotic.
    2. Adding Personal Touches: Use anecdotes, humor, or even a bit of sarcasm where appropriate. Daniel Kenitz himself demonstrated this by inviting ChatGPT to help with a line and then humorously attributing the overly formal result to the AI.
    3. Engaging Directly with Your Audience: Phrases like “Let’s dive into this” or “Here’s what you need to know” bring a conversational tone that is harder for AI to replicate authentically.

    The Pitfalls of Predictability

    Another giveaway that you might be relying too heavily on AI-generated content is predictability. AI tends to stick to tried-and-true patterns, which can lead to repetitive and uninspired writing. Kristine Cain noted that terms like “ever-evolving” are often dead giveaways of AI influence. This predictability can be avoided by:

    • Mixing Up Sentence Structures: Avoid falling into a repetitive rhythm by varying your sentence length and structure. Combine short, punchy sentences with longer, more complex ones.
    • Breaking the Mold: Don’t be afraid to stray from the conventional. Inject a surprising fact, a rhetorical question, or a bold statement to keep your readers engaged.

    The Human Advantage: Emotion and Empathy

    What AI still struggles with is capturing the full spectrum of human emotion and empathy. As Salwa Emerson eloquently put it, “We cannot measure with numbers the arcs of self-discovery that intersect between two hearts.” This depth of emotion is what makes human writing resonate on a deeper level.

    To ensure your writing has that human touch, focus on:

    • Expressing Genuine Emotion: Whether it’s excitement, frustration, or curiosity, let your true feelings guide your writing.
    • Empathizing with Your Audience: Understand the concerns, desires, and challenges of your audience. Speak directly to those emotions in your content.

    Embrace Your Human Voice

    In a world where AI-generated content is becoming increasingly common, it’s more important than ever to embrace and preserve your unique human voice. As Maree Gately points out, “No one talks like that. Plus, it doesn’t make sense.” The challenge—and the opportunity—lies in creating content that is not only technically sound but also rich in personality, emotion, and authenticity.

    So the next time you sit down to write, remember to keep it real. Use humor, mix up your sentence structures, and most importantly, write in a way that sounds like you—not an AI. Because at the end of the day, it’s your unique perspective and voice that will truly engage your readers. As Daniel Kenitz cheekily concludes, “Synergy and innovation are at the core of my conversational strategy”—and so is being unmistakably human.

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