How to Become a DevOps Engineer in 2024: DevOps vs. DevSecOps

Continuous vulnerability scanning, automated compliance checks, and secure coding practices have become standard in many enterprises. "It’s no longer about just writing secure code," explains the CI...
How to Become a DevOps Engineer in 2024: DevOps vs. DevSecOps
Written by Ryan Gibson
  • In 2024, the pathway to becoming a DevOps engineer has evolved to encompass a wide range of technical skills and strategic mindsets. With the rise of cloud-native infrastructures and the ever-growing need for automation, enterprise organizations are increasingly looking for engineers who can bridge the gap between development and operations. At the same time, security concerns are reshaping the landscape, giving rise to DevSecOps—a variant of DevOps that integrates security directly into the development pipeline. For enterprise-level executives leading these initiatives, understanding the nuances between DevOps and DevSecOps is crucial in building resilient and scalable teams.

    The Evolution of DevOps in the Enterprise

    DevOps has become synonymous with agility, scalability, and the ability to rapidly innovate while maintaining operational efficiency. What started as a movement to break down silos between development and operations has now grown into a key pillar of enterprise IT strategy. The role of DevOps engineers in 2024 is far more complex than it was just a few years ago. As companies move toward microservices, multi-cloud environments, and automation, the demands on DevOps professionals have expanded.

    “DevOps is no longer just about facilitating faster software delivery,” says a DevOps executive at a major cloud provider. “It’s about building systems that are self-healing, scalable, and flexible enough to handle rapid changes without sacrificing stability.” This requires a blend of skills that include everything from infrastructure as code (IaC) to continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices, container orchestration, and cloud-native security.

    Linux remains the backbone of DevOps operations, with most enterprise environments relying on it for their server and application management. “Linux is non-negotiable for DevOps engineers,” notes a senior systems architect. “It’s the foundation on which so many cloud environments are built.” Beyond Linux, the roadmap for becoming a DevOps engineer in 2024 emphasizes networking, programming, cloud platforms, containerization, and automation.

    Core Competencies for DevOps Engineers in 2024

    The journey to becoming a DevOps engineer involves mastering a broad set of skills that can take 10-14 months to acquire. These competencies are not only technical but also strategic, requiring engineers to understand the interplay between development, operations, and business goals.

    Linux and Networking: The Backbone of Infrastructure

    For DevOps professionals, Linux and networking are essential knowledge areas. “You can’t deploy or manage applications if you don’t understand the underlying infrastructure,” says a DevOps lead at a global telecommunications firm. Linux skills, particularly command-line operations and scripting, form the backbone of server management in most organizations. Networking, too, is critical, as DevOps engineers need to understand how data moves through systems, the role of firewalls, load balancers, and protocols such as TCP/IP.

    “One of the biggest mistakes junior engineers make is thinking they can skip networking fundamentals,” says the same executive. “But when you’re troubleshooting why an application can’t communicate between containers or across a cloud service, that knowledge is invaluable.”

    Version Control and Automation: Speed and Efficiency

    Git, the most widely used version control system, is central to the workflows of DevOps teams. “Git is the glue that holds collaborative development together,” says a DevOps manager at a fintech startup. “It’s essential for managing multiple contributors, tracking changes, and ensuring that code can be rolled back if something breaks.”

    Version control is foundational, but it’s the automation of tasks through continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines that truly defines modern DevOps. Tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, and GitLab CI allow for code to be tested, integrated, and deployed automatically, shortening development cycles and reducing human error. “Automation isn’t just about doing things faster,” says a DevOps strategist at a multinational retailer. “It’s about consistency, repeatability, and reducing the chance for mistakes in high-stakes environments.”

    Cloud Platforms: The Future of Enterprise IT

    Cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud have become synonymous with DevOps. “Cloud services are to DevOps what electricity is to modern life—you can’t do without it,” says an enterprise cloud architect. “Mastering cloud platforms allows you to manage resources at scale, automate infrastructure, and ensure business continuity.” For aspiring DevOps engineers, focusing on one major cloud platform, particularly AWS, provides a strong foundation. With AWS offering a vast array of services—from virtual machines to container orchestration and serverless computing—engineers can learn how to manage infrastructure as code, deploy applications seamlessly, and automate almost every facet of IT.

    The Rise of DevSecOps: Security as a Core Component

    As cybersecurity threats grow, DevOps has evolved into DevSecOps, where security is embedded directly into the development pipeline. Enterprise organizations are moving away from the traditional model of handling security as an isolated function and are instead shifting security left, meaning security measures are applied earlier in the development cycle. “The days of security being an afterthought are gone,” asserts a CISO at a global bank. “In DevSecOps, we view security as code. It’s integrated into every step, from development to deployment.”

    The rise of DevSecOps reflects the need for faster, more reliable security protocols. Continuous vulnerability scanning, automated compliance checks, and secure coding practices have become standard in many enterprises. “It’s no longer about just writing secure code,” explains the CISO. “It’s about creating an entire security ecosystem around your code—everything from infrastructure as code to CI/CD pipelines needs to be secured.”

    Key DevSecOps Skills

    For enterprise-level DevOps professionals looking to transition into DevSecOps, the skill set builds on traditional DevOps principles but with an added focus on security automation and governance. Security tools such as Snyk, SonarQube, and Checkmarx are now frequently integrated into CI/CD pipelines, allowing engineers to scan for vulnerabilities automatically. “The key to DevSecOps is automation,” notes a DevSecOps lead at a healthcare company. “When security testing is integrated into your CI/CD pipeline, vulnerabilities are caught earlier and more efficiently. It reduces the time to fix issues and decreases the overall risk to the organization.”

    Identity and access management (IAM) is another critical component of DevSecOps. “It’s not enough to build secure applications,” says a senior DevSecOps engineer at a large tech company. “You also need to make sure that the infrastructure and the people accessing it are secure. Managing permissions, applying least privilege principles, and using role-based access control (RBAC) are fundamental to any DevSecOps strategy.”

    In addition to IAM, DevSecOps professionals must also be well-versed in securing containerized environments. With the proliferation of Docker and Kubernetes, managing container security is a high priority. “Containers have made deployments easier, but they’ve also introduced new security risks,” warns a DevSecOps consultant. “Securing containers is about managing not just the application but also its dependencies and configurations.”

    DevOps vs. DevSecOps: Which Path Should Enterprises Take?

    The decision between adopting a DevOps versus DevSecOps approach often depends on the organization’s risk tolerance and regulatory environment. “For highly regulated industries like healthcare or finance, DevSecOps is the natural choice,” explains a DevOps director at a large financial institution. “You can’t afford to move fast without incorporating security into every phase of development.” These sectors often face stringent compliance requirements, making the transition to DevSecOps critical for avoiding costly breaches and fines.

    However, organizations in less regulated industries may still favor a traditional DevOps approach, focusing more on speed and innovation than security. “Startups, for instance, may prioritize DevOps to stay competitive and get products to market quickly,” says the DevOps director. “But even they are beginning to realize that as they scale, they need to start integrating security into their processes earlier.”

    In reality, most large enterprises will likely need a hybrid approach. “The future is a blend of DevOps and DevSecOps,” predicts a security consultant. “It’s about finding the right balance between innovation and protection. Enterprises need to build fast but securely.”

    Building a Culture of Collaboration Between DevOps and Security

    Ultimately, the success of DevOps or DevSecOps within an enterprise depends not only on the tools used but on fostering a culture of collaboration between development, operations, and security teams. “Tools are important, but culture is what makes DevSecOps work,” says a DevOps executive at a global logistics company. “If security is seen as a blocker, teams will find ways to work around it. But if security is viewed as a partner in innovation, then everyone wins.”

    Creating this collaborative culture requires buy-in from leadership and clear communication between teams. “Leadership needs to champion DevSecOps,” asserts the executive. “When the C-suite understands the importance of integrating security with DevOps, it becomes a priority for the entire organization.”

    Building this culture also means adopting practices that encourage continuous learning and feedback. “DevOps is about speed, but it’s also about learning from failures quickly,” says a senior DevOps manager at a SaaS firm. “The same principle applies to security. We need to embrace failure, learn from it, and make security part of the continuous improvement process.”

    The Future of DevOps and DevSecOps in 2024

    As enterprises continue to embrace digital transformation, the roles of DevOps and DevSecOps engineers will only grow in importance. Both approaches are about driving innovation, but DevSecOps adds an essential layer of security, ensuring that enterprises can innovate without exposing themselves to undue risk.

    “The DevOps vs. DevSecOps debate will continue, but what’s clear is that both are here to stay,” says a senior DevOps executive at a global technology firm. “Enterprises that can integrate security into their DevOps pipelines will be the ones that thrive in the future. It’s no longer about choosing between speed and security—it’s about building both into the DNA of your organization.” As more organizations adopt cloud-native architectures and automation, the demand for professionals who can balance both agility and security will become even more critical.

    Looking ahead, the future of DevOps and DevSecOps will be defined by further convergence between development, operations, and security. “Security can no longer exist as a separate function,” notes a DevSecOps leader at a global financial institution. “It needs to be woven into the fabric of every deployment, every line of code, and every infrastructure decision.”

    This convergence will require not only new tools but also a cultural shift. The most successful enterprises will be those that foster collaboration between development, operations, and security teams. “It’s about creating a culture where security isn’t seen as a roadblock, but as a partner in the innovation process,” says a DevOps strategist at a Fortune 500 company. “When everyone is aligned around the same goals—faster delivery, continuous improvement, and security—you create a system that’s resilient, scalable, and future-proof.”

    In 2024, the lines between DevOps and DevSecOps will continue to blur as enterprises recognize that security is not a feature, but a necessity. Organizations that embrace this mindset, adopting both DevOps and DevSecOps principles, will be better positioned to navigate the evolving digital landscape—faster, smarter, and more secure.

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