Instagram Will Not Pursue Long-Form Videos

Instagram boss Adam Mosseri has thrown cold water on the possibility of the platform pursuing long-form videos, saying they don't align with the company's goals....
Instagram Will Not Pursue Long-Form Videos
Written by Matt Milano
  • Instagram boss Adam Mosseri has thrown cold water on the possibility of the platform pursuing long-form videos, saying they don’t align with the company’s goals.

    Content creators and users have been pushing for Instagram to expand its offerings, and make long-form video content a viable option. Unfortunately, it appears the company has no interest in pursuing the medium, with Mosseri saying long-form content is not symbiotic with the company’s goals like short-form videos are.

    Mosseri posted his reply in an Instagram video. The full transcript is below, lightly edited for clarity.

    A creator asked me recently if we’re going to do long-form video on Instagram, and the answer is no.

    And I wanted to explain why. Now, we do a number of different things on Instagram. but at the heart of it, there are really two jobs: one, connecting you with friends, and two, helping you explore your interests, usually through short-form video. And it turns out that those two things are symbiotic.

    You seen an amazing video that makes you laugh out loud from a comedian doing a bit, and you send it to someone who you know is going to laugh just as loud as you did. Or for me, I see a highlight of an amazing soccer goal or trick, and I send it to someone who I know loves soccer as much as I do. So those things are about connecting with friends over your interests.

    Now, it turns out long-form video is less symbiotic with these other jobs. If you watch a 10 or a 20-minute video, you see less content from friends, you interact with your friends less, and you’re actually less likely to send that content or that video to a friend.

    So, we’re not going to go after that business because it’s part of our core identity to connect people with friends, and we don’t want to undermine that by going after long-form video. Now we understand that short-form video doesn’t always do that, but it can. We try to prioritize short-form video that does.

    So let me know, down below in the comments, what you think. I am sure we’re going to get a lot of hot takes on this one.


    At least for the time being, creators and users who enjoy long-form content will need to look elsewhere.

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