Intel and Qualcomm Can No Longer Sell Chips to Huawei

The US has shut off Huawei's access to yet more semiconductors, revoking licenses that allowed Intel and Qualcomm to continue doing business with the Chinese firm....
Intel and Qualcomm Can No Longer Sell Chips to Huawei
Written by Matt Milano
  • The US has shut off Huawei’s access to yet more semiconductors, revoking licenses that allowed Intel and Qualcomm to continue doing business with the Chinese firm.

    The US has been systematically working to limit China’s access to advanced semiconductor technology, as have many US allies. According to Bloomberg, the US has withdrawn licenses that allowed both American companies to continue selling some semiconductors to Huawei under certain circumstances. The chips in question were reportedly for Huawei phones and laptops.

    “It’s blocking any chips sold to Huawei,” said House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul. “Those are two companies we’ve always worried about being a little too close to China.”

    The move underscores the ongoing tensions between the US and China, tension which shows no sign of abating.

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