Apple released the long-awaited iOS 7 update for the iPhone (4 and later), iPad (2 and later), iPad Mini and iPod Touch (fifth generation) today. The problem is that some users have been getting errors trying to download it. Obviously this isn’t sitting too well with the impatient.
One user shared a screenshot with us:
It doesn’t appear to be a carrier-specific issue. As you can see, that was via AT&T. AppsGoneFree shares a similar image via a Sprint device.
There are quite a few complaints making their way to Twitter as well.
I've deleted all my apps and pictures for…"An error occurred downloading iOS 7.0" please tell me this is a joke????
— Lydia Cheetham⨠(@lydcheetham) September 18, 2013
Guess I'm not the only one getting an Error message trying to Download IOS 7.0 #Annoying
— Sam Allison (@VF2010_) September 18, 2013
Well this is off to a good start…."an error occurred downloading iOS 7.0"
— Doug Piker (@honeycut1) September 18, 2013
iOS 7 is getting an error because EVERYONE is trying to download it at once! Ugh it's frustrating!
— Jeff Scissom (@JeffScissom) September 18, 2013
If you are one of those having trouble downloading the update, this is what you can look forward to once you get it: