Jessa Duggar, the 22-year-old reality TV star, married 19-year-old Ben Seewald on November 1. Jessa and Ben, who appear in the reality show 19 Kids and Counting, opted to wait until marriage before their first kiss. The couple gave themselves a strict PDA rule prior to the wedding, being allowed only to side hug and hold hands once they were engaged. They were also accompanied by a chaperone when they went out on dates.
However, now that the extremely conservative couple are married, the rules are out the window. Duggar shared a picture on her Instagram of her locking lips with her new husband. The photo was captioned “It’s great living life with your best friend! @ben_seewald.”
The wedding was attended by 1000 guests including Growing Pains star Kirk Cameron. Cameron said of the couple, “This kind of moral excellence and purity is rare today, but our sons and daughters are priceless. This dad has only a few years to etch these meaningful images on the minds of his children.”
EXCLUSIVE: Inside Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald’s wedding @TLC #19Kids
— People magazine (@peoplemag) November 5, 2014
However, rumors are circulating that Jessa and Ben supposedly consummated their relationship even before they got to the reception. “Multiple people were discussing that when Jinger opened the door to get Jess for the reception, she immediately closed the door with a look of shock on her face,” said alleged wedding guest “Mary B.” in the comments section of the blog My Life as a Stay At Home Wife and Mom.
She added, “I am not sure why they would not wait for the evening to pray and then consummate God’s marriage. The Lord has blessed them and brought them together. To hear so many people discussing what they inadvertently walked into was heartbreaking and troubling.”
Whether or not the rumors are true, it’s pretty clear that Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald are one happy couple.