Katie Couric slammed fellow newswoman Diane Sawyer and said she traded sex for stories. At least that’s what a new book about the two women and Christiane Amanapour is saying. Called The News Sorority, the book is said to be filled with all sorts of snide and hurtful comments they said about each other–as well as some that others said about them.
For example, when Diane Sawyer landed an interview with a woman who gave birth to twins just days shy of her 57th birthday, Katie Couric allegedly said, “I wonder who she blew this time to get it.”
A rep for Katie Couric declined to comment about the allegations in the book, but did slam author Sheila Weller for the book’s content.
“It’s sad that‎ the author and her PR team continue to alienate their target audience by relying on classic anti-feminist caricatures, tabloid-like misrepresentations and outright falsehoods about these three extraordinary women. Thankfully all three of them have survived and thrived after dealing with far worse than a couple of gossip items,” the rep said.
Sheila Weller hits close to home in the book when she details Katie Couric’s relationship with late husband Jay Monahan, including his 1998 death from cancer.
According to the dust jacket on The News Sorority, Katie Couric, Diane Sawyer, and Christiane Amanapour “battered the walls of the male fortress of television journalism, until finally [they] broke through, definitively remaking America’s nightly news.”
The Diane Sawyer-Katie Couric "catfight" is the subject of a new tell-all book: http://t.co/grVYXCcTag pic.twitter.com/DA6rOy8hwX
— Page Six (@PageSix) August 28, 2014
And while that’s no doubt true, does that mean these three women need the scandals a book like this has the potential to cause?
If Katie Couric’s supposed bashing of Diane Sawyer is present within its pages, what else might be lying in wait for readers to unearth?
That is likely why this book will sell.
How do you suppose Katie Couric, Diane Sawyer, and Christiane Amanapour feel about that?