Linux Mint is once again the most popular Linux distribution on DistroWatch, the site that measures interest in the many available Linux distros.
DistroWatch is often mistakenly cited as evidence of a distro’s overall popularity or the size of its userbase. In point of fact, DistroWatch’s rankings merely reflect the number of clicks a distro receives on the site itself. As a result, while not providing a complete picture of a distro’s popularity or installed base, it can nonetheless give an idea about which distros are currently trending and gaining in popularity, versus those that may be losing popularity.
For several weeks now, Linux Mint has taken the top spot in DistroWatch’s rankings, bumping the previous long-time favorite, MX Linux, to second place. Interestingly, Linux Mint has continued to gain ground, putting more distance between it and MX Linux since taking the top spot.
In our own reviews of Linux Mint, both the Ubuntu-based version and the Debian-based LMDE, the distro has is the only one to receive a five-star rating. This writer is an avid LMDE user, and finds the entire Linux Mint lineup to be the perfect blend of ease-of-use and powerful features. In fact, Linux Mint is one of the best, most complete Linux experiences one can have, easily rivaling anything from Apple or Microsoft.
To read more, please see our reviews below:
Linux Distro Reviews: Linux Mint 22