Mariska Hargitay has added her name to the large number of celebrities supporting Kesha Rose Sebert. Known by her stage name, Kesha, the young woman accused Dr. Luke of sexual assault, and asked a judge to allow her out of her recording contract with him.
Last week a judge refused to allow Kesha to break her contract. Since then, a wealth of celebrities from both within and outside of the music world have taken to social media to support the singer.
For many survivors, speaking out is the hardest part. It’s also only the first step. Sending u strength @KeshaRose as u move through this.
— Mariska Hargitay (@Mariska) February 23, 2016
Mariska Hargitay is known for standing up for women. Not only does she play the role of Olivia Benson on Law & Order: SVU, where her department deals with victims of sex crimes, she is also the founder and president of the Joyful Heart Foundation, an organization whose aim is to heal, educate, and empower victims of sexual abuse.
Perhaps Mariska Hargitay plans to forward information from the Joyful Heart Foundation to Kesha, to further encourage and support the young woman.
.@KeshaRose thanks her supporters in an emotional Instagram post:
— Glamour (@glamourmag) February 24, 2016
Kudos to Mariska Hargitay, as well as everyone else–celebrity or not–who has lent their support to Kesha.