In August, Netflix announced four exclusive stand-up comedy specials from comedians Bill Cosby, Bill Burr, Jim Jefferies & Chelsea Peretti. The Jefferies special debuted on August 29th. The Peretti special debuted on November 14th. The Cosby special was supposed to debut last week, but was pulled because of all of those rape allegations that have been mounting against him.
Bill Burr’s special is still yet to come, however, and it will debut this Friday. Netflix just released this trailer for it.
Netflix also has an animated comedy series in the works with Burr. It currently has three other Bill Burr stand-up specials available for streaming. One of these – You People Are All The Same – is also labeled a Netflix Original.
In other stand-up comedy on Netflix news, the company announced last week that it’s also getting Nick Offerman’s American Ham. That will appear on December 12.
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