Netflix released its Q2 earnings report on Wednesday along with the regular letter to shareholders. The biggest news out of this one is that the company has surpassed 65 million members with 42 million in the US and 23 million internationally.
“We are at the forefront of a wave of global Internet TV adoption and intend to make our service available throughout the world by the end of 2016,” said CEO Reed Hastings and CFO David Wells in the letter.
Here’s a look at the numbers:
In case you’re wondering how the DVD service is doing, it still has 5.3 million members (down from 5.5 million in Q1).
“Our DVD-by-mail business in the US continues to serve 5.3 million members and provided $77.9 million in contribution profit in Q2,” the letter said. “The broad selection of titles, including new release movies and TV shows, remains appealing to a core user base and means that the tail on this business should be quite long.”
As reported on Tuesday, Netflix has altered the way it is emailing DVD subscribers, and is now promoting separate social media accounts for the service.
You can read the full letter here.
In other Netflix news, the company just released the trailer for its new show Narcos.
Image via Netflix