You know that texting while driving is terribly dangerous and can lead to you running straight into a big truck full of crap. Or most likely something worse, like another human being. If you need a quick refresher on how texting while driving can screw up your life, as well as the lives of others, take a look at Werner Herzog’s new documentary on the subject.
Or you could just try to play this new game. It’s called SMS Racing and it has you try to complete laps around a road course while also answering incoming texts. It’s impossible. It’s worse than QWOP. It’s exactly as hard as it should be.
You can download a version of the game for Windows, Mac, and Linux here. It’s a pretty good deterrent for the practice, which has been skyrocketing over the past few years. If you’re going to text and drive, you’d be better off doing it from your computer chair than on the highway.
[Holden Link via Kotaku]
Image via YouTube