Perplexity CEO Unveils Groundbreaking Publishers Program Amid AI Copyright Controversies

Perplexity's approach is unique. "We're establishing a new relationship where any advertising revenue generated from a query that uses our publishing partners' information will be shared with them," S...
Perplexity CEO Unveils Groundbreaking Publishers Program Amid AI Copyright Controversies
Written by Rich Ord
  • Aravind Srinivas, co-founder and CEO of Perplexity, joined CNBC’s “Squawk Box” to announce the launch of the company’s pioneering Publishers Program, a move set to transform the landscape of AI-generated content. The program will grant partners revenue sharing and access to Perplexity’s API, addressing the increasing concerns about AI, copyright, and plagiarism.

    Innovative Partnership Model

    Srinivas emphasized the strategic importance of high-quality content for Perplexity’s success. “From the beginning, we realized that to succeed as a product, we need to use high-quality sources of information,” he stated. “This requires us to work closely with the right publishing partners and create a robust ecosystem.” The new program includes prestigious names like Time, Fortune, and Entrepreneur, marking a significant milestone in Perplexity’s growth.

    Revenue Sharing and Usage-Based Model

    Unlike traditional models where platforms take content and pay for it, Perplexity’s approach is unique. “We’re establishing a new relationship where any advertising revenue generated from a query that uses our publishing partners’ information will be shared with them,” Srinivas explained. This usage-based revenue-sharing program aims to be a more sustainable way to collaborate with publishers, ensuring mutual benefits.

    AI and Content Aggregation

    Addressing concerns about AI’s impact on the “blue link economy,” Srinivas clarified that Perplexity is not merely redirecting traffic but enhancing user engagement through integrated advertising. “We are introducing advertising products on our platform where sponsored questions will follow a query, sharing the revenue with the publishers involved in the original answer,” he said.

    Perplexity also helps publishers build their own AI engines using the company’s technology, enabling them to leverage AI for content delivery on their platforms. “We want not just the technology but a sustainable way for anybody on the internet to get an accurate answer,” Srinivas noted.

    Addressing Criticism and Copyright Concerns

    The rise of AI-generated content has sparked debates about copyright and intellectual property. Forbes’ editor recently criticized Perplexity for allegedly stealing content. Srinivas responded, highlighting the platform’s commitment to transparency and attribution. “We always attribute sources of information and prominently display them, including the names of journalists for their clips,” he said. “We can always do better, and the feedback from our partners is crucial in improving our product.”

    When pressed about past mistakes and potential compensation, Srinivas remained focused on future improvements. “I’m not going into specific issues, but our aim is to create a sustainable way to share revenue with our partners, ensuring high accuracy and integrity of information.”

    A New Era of AI-Driven Content

    The partnership agreements with major publishers are designed to foster collaboration rather than conflict. “The program is about revenue sharing, not the specifics of content usage,” Srinivas noted. “We’re aggregators of information, not trying to train our AI on proprietary data without permission.”

    As AI continues to reshape content creation and distribution, Perplexity’s innovative model could set a new standard for the industry. By aligning with reputable publishers and ensuring ethical practices, the company aims to balance technological advancement with respect for intellectual property.

    Future Prospects

    Perplexity’s announcement marks a significant step in the evolution of AI and content marketing. The company’s approach to revenue sharing and its commitment to high-quality, ethically sourced information could pave the way for more collaborative and sustainable AI-driven content ecosystems.

    Srinivas concluded, “We want to create a sustainable model that benefits both our users and partners, ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the information we provide.”

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