Emerging Remote Work Trends

What are the latest prevailing remote work trends within the business community today? Find out more below....
Emerging Remote Work Trends
Written by Brian Wallace
  • In 2024, the American workplace continues to navigate the aftereffects of the pandemic, with remote work playing a pivotal role. The transition to remote work, once a necessity, has now become a preferred mode for many. The latest statistics on remote work trends across the United States offer a detailed perspective on this evolving phenomenon.

    Remote Work Emerged During the Pandemic

    Millions of Americans experienced remote work during the pandemic, sparking a major shift in the work culture. As of 2023, around 40% of U.S. employees worked remotely at least once a week. This trend is more pronounced in certain industries. Information technology leads with 67%, followed by professional and business services at 49%, educational services at 46%, and wholesale trade at 39%. These numbers, however, have seen a gradual decline since 2020. The proportion of people primarily working from home decreased significantly from 35% in 2020 to 12.7% in 2023.

    Interestingly, 72.5% of businesses reported having no remote workers in 2023, up from 60.1% in 2021. This increase suggests a partial return to traditional office settings or perhaps a blend of remote and in-office work models.

    Diving into a state-by-state analysis, the statistics reveal a varied landscape. Michigan leads with 27% of its workforce operating remotely. Indiana, Virginia, South Carolina, and Wisconsin closely follow, each with 26%. On the other end, states like Wyoming (3%), Alaska (4%), South Dakota (4%), and Vermont (4%) have the lowest percentages of remote workers. These numbers not only reflect the regional differences in the adoption of remote work but also underscore the diverse infrastructural and economic factors influencing this trend.

    Globally, the workforce is predominantly on-site (66.5%), with hybrid models (25.6%) and fully remote arrangements (7.9%) making up the rest. Despite the stabilization of remote work post-pandemic, its advantages for both employees and employers are substantial and hard to ignore.

    Employees and Remote Work

    Employees benefit significantly from remote work. The elimination of commute time is the most appreciated aspect (60%), followed by savings on gas and lunch expenses (44%), enhanced flexibility (42%), reduced time spent getting ready (38%), more quiet time for focused work (35%), and the opportunity to spend more time with family and friends (29%). These benefits contribute to a better work-life balance and overall job satisfaction.

    From an employer’s perspective, the advantages are equally compelling. Remote work leads to a 56% reduction in employee absences and a 50% decrease in sick days. About 68% of businesses observe an increase in productivity with remote work arrangements. Perhaps most notably, remote work significantly lowers employee turnover by 50% and reduces annual costs per employee by $20,000 to $37,000.

    In 2023, an overwhelming 98% of people expressed the desire to work remotely, either full-time or part-time. To make this a sustainable reality, businesses need to invest in robust connectivity platforms, advanced cybersecurity, and IT tools, along with AI-driven scheduling software. These technologies are essential for maintaining effective, productive, and connected remote teams.


    As the 2024 data suggests, remote work is not just a temporary shift but a fundamental change in the work paradigm. While the extent of remote work adoption varies across industries and regions, the benefits are clear and significant for both employees and employers. Companies that adapt to this new norm by investing in appropriate technologies and flexible work policies are likely to thrive in this changing landscape. The future, as indicated by these remote work trends, will continue to evolve, with remote work being a key component of this evolution.

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