Earlier this month is was rumored that Samsung would be unveiling its new flagship Android smartphone, the Galaxy S IV, on March 14 in New York City. It turns out this particular rumor was solid, as Samsung has now announced an event that will take place in New York on March 14.
The event is called “Samsung Unpacked” and is labeled as “Episode 1” for 2013, implying that other “Episodes” could be scheduled for later this year. The event will begin at 7 pm EST and will be streaming live on the SamsungMobile YouTube channel.
Samsung isn’t playing this cagey the way Sony did with its recent PlayStation 4 announcement, however. The invitation photo posted to Samsung’s Facebook page plainly invites people to “come and meet the next galaxy.” Also, the story first broke when Samsung’s J.K. Shin, head of mobile communications, reportedly stated that the Galaxy S IV would be the subject of a March 14 announcement.
The Galaxy S IV is expected to be a big seller for Samsung, which last year began to dominate the high-end Android smartphone market. The device is rumored to have a 4.99-inch AMOLED display with a 1920 x 1080 resolution, a eight-core processor, 2GB of RAM, and a 13 MP rear camera.