Samsung’s Galaxy S23 Has Become the Definition of ‘Bloatware’

Samsung's Galaxy S23 has become the definition of mobile bloatware, with a base install taking roughly 60GB....
Samsung’s Galaxy S23 Has Become the Definition of ‘Bloatware’
Written by Matt Milano
  • Samsung’s Galaxy S23 has become the definition of mobile bloatware, with a base install taking roughly 60GB.

    Operating systems growing in size is an inevitable trade-off of new features, improved support, and the addition of new technologies. Unfortunately for S23 users, Samsung seems to be taking OS growth to all new heights.

    Mishaal Rahman, Senior Technical Editor for Esper, asked his Twitter followers how much of their phone’s space their system installs were taking:

    Some users reported the S23’s Android install taking almost 60GB:

    Shockingly, one user even reported a 75GB install:

    With the S23 topping out at 256MB, and the S23+ topping out at 512, it’s hard to imagine how or why Samsung can justify taking up 60-75GB of space just for the OS.

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