comScore has released its latest numbers for the U.S. search market. They show Google sites up 0.3% in September at 66.7%, followed by Microsoft sites at 15.9% and Yahoo sites at 12.2%. Ask came in at 3.5%, and AOL came in at 1.8%. Microsoft remained flat from month to month, while Yahoo dropped by .6%.
“More than 16.3 billion explicit core searches were conducted in September, with Google Sites ranking first with 10.9 billion,” reports comScore. “Microsoft Sites ranked second with 2.6 billion searches, followed by Yahoo! Sites with 2 billion, Ask Network with 565 million (up 3 percent) and AOL, Inc. with 287 million.”
“In September, 69.4 percent of searches carried organic search results from Google (up 0.6 percentage points), while 25.1 percent of searches were powered by Bing,” the firm notes.
Here are the usual charts:
In August, Bing had gained market share and Google had lost a bit.