Sonos Laid Off 100 Employees

Sonos' issues continue to grow worse, as the company announced laid off 100 employees early Wednesday morning....
Sonos Laid Off 100 Employees
Written by Matt Milano
  • Sonos’ issues continue to grow worse, as the company announced laid off 100 employees early Wednesday morning.

    Sonos has been struggling with a botched app update, one that left users with less features, poorer performance, and more bugs than the original. The issues were severe enough that Sonos CEO Patrick Spence penned a blog post apologizing for the issues and promising a fix.

    We know that too many of you have experienced significant problems with our new app which rolled out on May 7, and I want to begin by personally apologizing for disappointing you. There isn’t an employee at Sonos who isn’t pained by having let you down, and I assure you that fixing the app for all of our customers and partners has been and continues to be our number one priority.

    We developed the new app to create a better experience, with the ability to drive more innovation in the future, and with the knowledge that it would get better over time. However, since launch we have found a number of issues. Fixing these issues has delayed our prior plan to quickly incorporate missing features and functionality.

    According to The Verge, 100 employees were laid off Wednesday morning, with some of them only realizing they were impacted once their access to the internal network was cut off.

    It appears Sonos may have underestimated just how much the botched app rollout impacted the company. In the scramble to fix the issues, The Verge says the company has postponed at least two hardware rollouts that were slated for later this year.

    Sonos’ issues are a stark reminder of the importance of good software development, and how a single bad update can have devastating consequences for a company’s bottom line.

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