Spotify Enables Comments On Podcasts

Spotify is giving content creators and listeners a new way to engage with each other, rolling out Comments on podcasts....
Spotify Enables Comments On Podcasts
Written by Matt Milano
  • Spotify is giving content creators and listeners a new way to engage with each other, rolling out Comments on podcasts.

    Building an audience can be one of the most challenging aspects of starting a podcast. Spotify is trying to address that, rolling out Comments as a way to help creators and listeners alike.

    For podcast creators who want to grow their audiences, building a stronger relationship with their listeners and fans goes a long way. And in order to amplify their presence, creators need tools that give them the functionality, insights, and flexibility to manage their shows and engage fans anytime, anywhere.

    That’s why, starting today, we’re beginning to roll out a brand-new way for podcast creators to interact with their fans—with Comments—and introducing an easier way for all podcasters to manage their shows: with the all-new Spotify for Podcasters mobile app.

    The company says the Comments is an expansion of its Q&A and polls features that were introduced in 2021. Spotify says 9 million listeners have interacted with either a Q&A or a poll in 2024 alone, representing an 80% year-over-year growth rate.

    “As a podcast focused on the lessons we can learn from history’s greatest leaders, I’m always curious about which takeaways resonate most with my audience,” said Ben Wilson, creator of How to Take Over the World. “Comments on Spotify provide me that invaluable feedback, which makes creating my podcast that much more rewarding and allows me to build a stronger connection with my listeners.”

    Spotify emphasizes the value Comments brings to its users.

    We’ve found that listeners who interact with a show are four times more likely to return to that show within 30 days. They also listen to twice as many hours per month on average than those who don’t. So there is really something special—and something tangible—in enabling this connection.

    The biggest value for fans is that they can now talk to their favorite podcasters on a whole new level, right where they’re already listening to (or watching!) their favorite show. And we’ve managed to do this in a way that still leaves a ton of control in the creators’ hands, since we know how important it is to have a say over what can show up alongside your content. I’m really proud of the balance we’ve struck here and excited for everyone to start trying it out!

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