More than a year after WhatsApp’s founders resigned in protest, Facebook is backtracking on its plans to include ads in the messaging app, according to...
Instagram has long had rules restricting advertisers from promoting tobacco, vaping and weapons, but influencers have been exempt from those restrictions—...
“The Instagram effort is one that we predicted for a long time,” says Button CEO Michael Jaconi. “I wasn't the most popular guy in the venture capital pitc...
“We can look at what we are incentivizing,” says Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. “We can look at the very foundational nature of the service and making sure we ar...
Senior Analyst at Berstein, Toni Sacconaghi, released a note today predicting that Apple’s advertising business will be worth billions by 2020. Simi...
Twitter ad chief Matt Derella is at Advertising Week in New York City spreading the message that Twitter video advertising is the best platform to reach valuable audiences when the...