Last month Motorola announced its new Droid-branded smartphone lineup. The phones appear to be modern smartphones, but weren't mind-blowing, except possibly for their long battery...
Poor RIM. Even in the enterprise space, where the company's secure OS has managed to keep them relevant, companies in-the-know are beginning to come around to the idea that iPhone...
This past year has seen the tablet market flooded with different tablets featuring a variety of sizes, features, and operating systems. It seems now that Apple has proven that con...
Here is a concise (and relevant) list of things that annoy me: Apple fanboys; Android fanboys; Those "Shit ____ Say" videos; People who continue to share those "Shit ____ Say" vide...
Samsung today announced that its flagship Android smartphone, the Galaxy S III, has sold 20 million units since the device debuted in Europe on May 29 of this year. The company cl...
Facebook has recently updated their iOS app and the iOS SDK to improve the performance of both. By all accounts, it seems to be working fine now. Now it's time for Facebook to fix...
The Spotify app for Android was updated today, complete with new Near Field Communication (NFC) support for phones running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. The announcement on the...