PayPal has announced the launch of version 2 of its Android app. This feature "bump" technology, which lets two users bump their phones together to send money (much li...
The global smartphone market grew 50 percent year over year in the second quarter of 2010 (2Q10), driven in part by makers of smartphones powered by Google's Android operating s...
Google announced today that it has unlocked the Nexus One as its new Developer Phone. This comes at a price of $529.
"The Nexus One combines an up-to-the-mi...
In late 2008, the Android Market launched, and ever since, it's apparently been growing at faster and faster rates. New research depicts the number of submitted apps as an...
Motorola announced its Q2 financial results today. These include sales of $5.4 billion. The company shipped 2.7 million smartphones during the quarter, but mobile device sales w...
Android device owners can perhaps stop frantically deleting apps from their phones. An app that appeared to represent a serious security risk - supposedly transmitting use...
Google has announced the release of a licensing service for Android apps in the Android Market. Android's Eric Chu says this comes as the result of feedback from developers who...
Google has released Google Maps for mobile version 4.4, and this comes with a new dedicated "Places" icon designed to make it easier to find nearby places with updated...