With how so many high profile partners have been dumping Google Maps lately, you'd think Google was patient zero for some communicative bubonic cootie-cancer that everybody was fle...
What happens if your "favorite app" is no longer exclusive to the environment you've been using it in? Does that somehow make it less, oh, I don't know, fun? Does it somehow "rui...
A new app from the National Resources Defense Council, OPOWER, and Facebook wants to make saving energy a social experience - a perhaps even a little bit of a competition.
Urbanspoon has completely redone its iPhone app. While it still features its signature slot machine-like shaking feature, it goes far beyond that now, potentially making it more co...
Facebook loves to wrap itself up in the gold-foil idea that it is a veritable online Candyland of unlimited sharing and endless warm chats among friends. Yet, for years, people hav...
Instagram continues its long, buttery foreplay with Android users who have been patiently waiting for the app. A couple of weeks ago, Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom announced at SXSW...