If you're a regular Twitter user, you've likely come across some inflammatory if not outright insulting tweets in your time. Some may be legitimate, some may be over the line - you...
Facebook can certainly become a breeding ground for impropriety quicker than you can even spell "impropri--" but those lowbrow kicks usually don't cost you anything. If you happen...
Soon after Apple CEO Tim Cook visited the company's manufacturing facility in China, the Chinese government appears to have partially lifted the ban on YouTube. Meaning:...
There's a lot of stuff on the internet. This might sound obvious, and it is - but just think about how many different ideas are expressed throughout all the little nooks and crann...
A gang of parliament members are currently trying to convince the British government to introduce legislation that would essentially charge Google with...
Online piracy is a global problem in regards to both consumers and industry groups. Expensive media, low incomes and cheap digital technology are said to be the primary reasons for...
You probably won't find this in a craigslist job posting, but if you're an IT professional who specializes in suppressing free speech, Pakistan just might have a job for you.
Any good and successful company knows that it probably shouldn't go out of its way to promote its competition. I mean, you don't see Microsoft putting out ads that talk about how...