NBC executives are furious after the show Fear Factor recently revealed they would have contestants drink an entire beer mug of donkey semen with the addition of a hefty glass of d...
Even though the SOPA and PIPA bills are essentially dead, they are still getting a lot of attention. Last week, the U.S. witnessed a powerful expression from both brands and consum...
Steven Spielberg. The name will inevitably bring to mind many movies the man has been involved with over his long career.
Recently, Spielberg received the 2012 David O. Selznic...
Redbox, one of the top players in movie rental these days, is not shy about giving customers discounts. Its DVDs are already pretty low-priced (despite a minor price increase last...
American Idol just premiered it's 11th season last night, but some have already declared Phillip Phillips the winner.
No, that's not a typo… that's actually his name -...
Ricky Gervais' previous award show-hosting gigs set the bar pretty high, and it looks like he failed to hit that bar last night at the 69th Annual Golden Globes.
Much of Gerva...
GetGlue announced that it has closed a $12 million round of financing, led by Rho Ventures. Other investors include: TimeWarner Investments, RRE Ventures, and Union Square Venture...
It's hard to believe Sesame Street has been on the air since 1969. Needless to say, our society has grown and evolved since the show originally released. Now, Cookie Monster is wha...
Speaking at a Directors’ Panel discussion at Panasonic’s CES booth today, the directors of ten James Bond films gathered to announce BOND 50, a massive boxed set containing all 22...