A Netflix app for Android was spotted at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which wrapped up yesterday. Verizon, showing off its new LG Revolution 4G phone with Android, showe...
Apple announced that it expects sales of Apple TV to top one million units later this week.
Apple TV has a few things working to its advantage. The main on...
Today, Google began pushing out its first software update for Google TV. The update fixed a few bugs, and added some other new interesting features.
Logitech has a new ad for its Revue device (the set-top box/Blu-Ray player with Google TV) that has Kevin Bacon playing a guy that is a huge Kevin Bacon fan in what quite possib...
Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel's previously announced National Unfriend Day is here. The premise is that most of our friends on Facebook are not in fact friends at all and should t...