Emily Blunt plays a devoted FBI field agent in the film Sicario. Prior to its production, however, prominent backers of the film wanted the role rewritten to star a man in...
Fox News did what it does best again - giving two well-known extremists a platform to spew their hate.
Known Islamophobe Pam Geller, Muslim extremist Anjem Choudary and h...
The U.S. Department of Justice announced that it has charged a former e-commerce executive with price fixing, in what would be the DoJ's antitrust division's first online marketpla...
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson will return to Fox in The X-Files for a six-episode event series. Fox announced the news, that will no doubt thrill fans of the show, o...
Anna Gunn of Breaking Bad fame is set to join former CSI: New York star Gary Sinise in a new Criminal Minds spinoff. The new show will focus on American...
Google reportedly delayed by two and a half years disclosure to WikiLeaks that it gave emails and other data from three of its staff to the FBI. This occurred after a federal judge...
Jessica Chambers may not be with us anymore. Her funeral is over; her friends are trying to find their way back to their normal lives, even with heavy hearts. But the case is far f...
According to the FBI the November hack of Sony Pictures, which led to the leak of tons of company data as well as influenced the company's recent decision to yank the film The...
When someone set Jessica Chambers on fire in Panola County, Mississippi, they couldn’t have known how much would get scorched before it was all over. A country cries out for justic...
Commissioned News Story: (Source: Loncar & Associates)
Whenever anyone from the entertainment industry gets involved with a legal dispute, there is an uproar of public attention...