The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has launched a Consumer Help Center website aimed at providing people with a variety of information.
The Consumer Help...
The Federal Communications Commission today said it is seeking public comment on the best way to support its efforts to ensure universal access to high-speed broadband services...
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski has introduced a Universal Service Working Group aimed at providing a collaborative approach to the FCC's reform of...
The majority (80%) of broadband users in the United States do not know the speed of their broadband connection, according to a new survey released today by the Federal Communica...
The Federal Communications Commission has released the findings of an agency survey on the consumer mobile experience that found 30 million Americans have experienced "bill...
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said today it is considering requiring mobile carriers to alert consumers about excessive wireless charges in order to avoid "bi...
The Federal Communications Commission recently began an inquiry into exorbitant early termination fees in mobile phone carriers’ contracts. The investigation began when Ve...
Google filed a submission on its own and one jointly with Verizon to the FCC for its proposed rulemaking docket. Google says its goal is "to keep the Internet awesome for e...
Last night, Google announced that it filed a submission to the FCC, asking it to designate Google as one of potentially several administrators of a "white spaces" geol...