Oh how things have changed since 2008, when most of the world was browsing the web via Internet Explorer. It's no secret that IE has been leaking market share over the past few ye...
Birds are hard to take care of. I would never wish the duty of cleaning up after one of them, especially parrots, on anyone. Imagine all the work Mozilla must go through to take ca...
As much as I love Mozilla and Firefox, I will make no excuses for the abysmal Android browser. I've been messing around with the beta Firefox Android browser for a while now since...
Mozilla has announced that they plan to enter the iOS browser market with Mozilla Junior. Mozilla's Alex Limi said that with Junior, they set out to "reinvent the browser for a new...
Mozilla is probably the biggest proponent, outside of Google, of the power of the Web. They don't believe in closed platforms or proprietary software. They believe in a future wher...
If it works for another browser, why not incorporate it into your own, right? Much like Internet Explorer introduced tabbed browsing based off of the success of Firefox, Firefox i...
I've been playing around with the Firefox 13 beta for a while now hoping for the day that the official Firefox 13 release would be upon us. While the actual release is tomorrow, yo...
Independent website analytics company StatCounter has just reported that Google Chrome has overtaken Microsoft's Internet Explorer as the most popular browser online, for the first...
The dethroning of Internet Explorer has been a long time coming. For years Microsoft's browser sat at the top of the browser heap, stagnating and becoming bloated. First...
I love Firefox on my Android phone. It's everything that I could hope for from a mobile Web browser. I will be the first to admit that it's a little ugly though. It's a mobile Web...