Bioshock Infinite, the third installment of the Bioshock series, was released to nearly universal acclaim in 2013. The game, widely regarded as a return to glory...
Gene Simmons, The Demon, singer and bass player in KISS, is a shrewd businessman. His unique attitudes about marriage, rock and roll, and his band are the stuff of lore. But Simmon...
A few days ago, Hillary Clinton was interviewed on Fox News by Greta Van Susteren and Bret Baier. Many viewers were expecting a half hour of painful questions and accusations. Afte...
Stacey Dash of Clueless fame is joining Fox News as a paid contributor and the Twitter backlash has been both harsh and swift.
The 47-year-old actress, best known for h...
Weight loss seems easy when you think about it. Eat less, exercise more, and the pounds will come off. But eating less is tough, especially when you don’t know what to eat and ther...
Greta Van Susteren invited Mike Dickinson, a man who claims to be running for congress, on her show for some verbal sparring. Even though Dickinson is a Democrat, he may not be on...
Maria Bartiromo will launch a new business show on Fox News Channel on March 30.
Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo will air at 10:00 am ET as part of the netw...
A new show by veteran news reporter Maria Bartiromo will premiere on March 30 at 7 a.m. Pacific Time. Titled Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo, it will takes the...
As Grammy Award-winning recording artist Beyonce performs in and tours Dublin with her family, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly is telling us how he really feels about the 32-year old s...
Some people think Alex Trebek, long-time host of the television game show Jeopardy, is slightly obsessed with gender.
March 3-7 was 1990s Week on Jeopardy, par...
Apparently, Americans are pretty stupid when it comes to knowing anything about their own country. And Fox News host Bill O'Reilly thinks he knows part of the reason why.