Remember that decade when people were using Gmail, and not caring about Google algorithmically scanning messages and delivering ads based on them? It recently ended when...
Google is making waves with Gmail a lot these days for a variety of reasons, and this week, users are freaking out about something the company said in a court document regarding em...
If you've been temporarily using the old compose view inside Gmail, your days are numbered. Google has just announced that the new Gmail compose box will become the only option wit...
When Google recently transitioned Gmail's chat feature to Hangouts, it got rid of voice calling, but Google announced that is back as part of Hangouts. In addition to that, calls t...
Google has unveiled a new inbox for Gmail on both desktop and mobile, saying it "puts you back in control" thanks to "simple" and "easy" organization. It separates your incoming me...
Last year, Google launched the ability to see results from your Gmail, Google Drive and Google Calendar accounts as you type in the search box from Gmail. This was only available a...