Google announced that Google Apps admins can now set the default state for profile discoverability in their domain through a control in the admin console if they have enabled Premi...
UK-based Real Business Rescue has gathered some findings about B2B social media use to project what's in store for the remainder of the year. Data comes from a bunch of sources inc...
If your'e an analytics junkie who happens to spend a lot of time running a Google+ page, there's good news.
Google starting to show Analytics metrics right on the Google+ dashb...
New Android versions are always a cause for celebration as Google works some interesting new features into its mobile OS. Similarly, updates to Google Play Service should be met wi...
Google has added increased Google+ integration into Gmail. When you go to compose a new message, and start typing, it will now bring up Google+ connections as suggestions in addit...
Google is treating Google+ users to some holiday fun with the latest app update for Android. You can bring up any photo in Google+ and shake your device to make it snow. A second s...
Google announced several improvements to Google+ Sign-in today.
A major one is support for all Google account types. Now, Google Apps users and even those without Google+ accou...
Many would say that Google has become more transparent over the years. It gives users, businesses and webmasters access to a lot more information about its intentions and business...
Bing announced a new Connected Pages feature for its Webmaster Tools offering, enabling webmasters to connect their various other official pages to their account, and track how us...
Remember last month when Google updated its terms of service so that it can use users' profile names and photos across Google products as it sees fit (like in ads)? Well, that is n...