In case you haven't noticed, Google has changed a lot over the years, and much of the search engine's focus is on showing users answers and information about what they're looking f...
Google has been making a lot of moves to get mobile users a better user experience. As you may know, the company recently announced a pair of ranking signals for this purpose. One...
Google announced a couple of updates for Google Play, which will affect both developers and users. There's a new content rating system as well as a new app review process.
Google just announced that it is cracking down on doorway pages with a new ranking adjustment, which will launch soon.
Do you think doorways pages have been a noticeabl...
Back in September, Google launched an update to its Webmaster Tools API to make it more consistent with other Google APIs. Those using other APIs from the company would find the ne...
Google is getting louder about wanting Firefox users to switch their default browser back to its search engine.
As you may know, Mozilla replaced Google with Yahoo as the defau...
As you've probably noticed in the past, Google sometimes includes an "In the News" section in its search results. This points users to a few sources that have newsy information abo...
Google just introduced a new Webmaster Tools feature called the Blocked Resource Report, aimed at helping webmasters find and resolve issues where Google can't use images, CSS, or...
Video has become huge for Facebook, and Twitter is hoping it can follow a similar path. Autoplay has certainly lent itself well to Facebook's success, and it sounds like Twitter is...
If your'e a small business still trying to navigate this thing we call the web and to figure out how to best get Google to treat your site well, you might want to watch the latest...