Google announced the launch of a new Android toolchain, cleverly called "Jack and Jill." Jack stands for Java Android Compiler Kit, and Jill stands for Jack Intermediate Library Li...
Google+, not Facebook, has just become the best place for people to express their gender identities.
"For many people, gender identity is more complex than just "male" or "fema...
Google announced that it's going to be shutting down Google News in Spain as the result of a new law in that country. The company has faced turbulence from publishers and governmen...
As you probably know, Google is currently embroiled in a years-long antitrust investigation in Europe, as authorities continue to look into its search business. The process was rec...
Google announced that users can now create, access, and share Maps with its My Maps feature in Google Drive. Google's goal was to make creating a map as easy as creating a new docu...
Google launched an update for its Hangouts app for Android that includes a bunch of new features.
For one, there are new "smart suggestions" in conversations.
"When you’re...
Google started testing app indexing on Android in October of last year, adding deep links from apps within search results on its operating system. In June, they opened it up to eve...
It's that time of year. Everybody's putting out their best of 2014 lists. This time it's YouTube with the top ads of the year.
These are ads that debuted on YouTube. They evalu...
Google announced expanded Windows Support for its Cloud Platform. This comes in the form of Microsoft License Mobility, Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Edition availability, and...