Typos happen. They're inescapable if you use a computer. This is why keyboards come with a Delete key. Given then that typos are expected, it was inevitable that someone out in the...
In January, Google announced that it was overhauling its more than 60 privacy policies and replacing them with one. As Alma Whitten, Google's Director of Privacy in Product and Eng...
Google has just patented their new lockscreen method for Android, as an answer to Apple's "slide to unlock" functionality. Google's new unlock feature is unique in that the user ca...
Europe's top court dealt a blow to anti-piracy crusaders and tallied a win for proponents of Internet freedom today by ruling that social networking sites cannot be required to set...
In all likelihood, mobile app developers probably don't discriminate when it comes to sponging information from kids and adults alike. To most of them, private info is a bunch of l...
The U.S. government is continuing its happy-go-lucky censorship of Web sites for reasons blown way out of proportion.
It was revealed yesterday that JotForm.com had its domain...
Did this past weekend's anti-ACTA movement in Europe get their message across to the ruling governments? While the fallout is still being measured, at least one country has decide...