That headline is a bit reductive as it should end "Why SOPA, PIPA, Bill C-11, OPEN, et al.?" but that's what the actual article is for, right?
One of the main driving points in...
David Kernell was convicted of a misdomeanor crime after he hacked into Sarah Palin's email back in 2008 during the presidential election. After serving almost eleven months in jai...
By now, especially in light of the SOPA/PIPA fallout, you've probably heard about the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, which is also lovingly known as ACTA. The international...
During the initial SOPA hearings, the mockery that they were, Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, one of the loudest opponents to the Stop Online Piracy Act, suggested an alternative met...
Arizona police sergeant Pat Shearer is drawing some attention due to his suspicious and outwardly stupid Facebook posts. This "officer of the law" apparently thinks it is okay to p...
As we touched on earlier, as members of the European Union sign ACTA into something of an existence -- it still requires ratification from the European Union parliament -- various...
In the 1970's we started outsourcing production from the United Staes to overseas facilities that could meet production demands faster and cheaper. After over forty years of outsou...
In the midst of the ongoing controversy surrounding SOPA and PIPA, it may be wise to take a step back and see what the average voter thinks about issues like piracy and internet ce...
At a ceremony in Tokyo, Japan, more members of the European Union signed ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement), ratifying the treaty for the countries that signed it. However,...
Genocides, obliterations of cities, murder of prisoners, egregious violation of international humanitarian law. These are crimes that will likely get a person tried as a war crimin...