For better or for worse, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection isn't ready to forgive Google for collecting sensitive WiFi data along with Street View photos. Indeed, it'...
It's official: Oracle's accusations of patent infringement did not go over well at the Googleplex. This week, Google responded to Oracle's lawsuit by asking for the suit t...
Two weeks ago, the CFO of the Mobile Communications Business at Microsoft hinted something dramatic would happen. Now it has: Microsoft announced this afternoon that it's...
At the request of the Federal Trade Commission a U.S. district court has shut down the illegal operations of a company that placed false charges on the telephone bills of thousa...
Google and its CEO, Eric Schmidt, are in a little bit of trouble in France. Due to the appearance of some controversial search suggestions in connection with a plaintiff's...
The first person ever charged with hacking into Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) networks and reselling VoIP services was sentenced today to 120 months in prison, Unite...
Google's online advertising guidelines are clear on many issues, including the fact that "Google AdWords prohibits the promotion of online pharmacies and prescription drugs...
Android isn't free and Google is going to face a lot of legal problems, if one Microsoft exec is to be believed. Tivanka Ellawala, CFO of the Mobile Communications Busines...
In testimony before a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee, the Federal Trade Commission explained how it protects consumers by applying well-established principles...
Two days ago, Skyhook Wireless issued a press release titled "Skyhook Adds Location Engine to Layar App for Android." Now, however, things aren't so cozy between...
Yelp recently won a case against a dentist who tried who sued the site over a negative review, claiming defamation and "deceptive acts and practices" under New York st...
There has been a lot of discussion about privacy in the news this past week, and surprisingly, not a whole lot of it has had to do with Facebook. Is the Facebook privacy concern...
The American Civil Liberties Union and other groups filed a lawsuit today challenging the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) policy allowing border agents to search l...
When it comes to Street View and the collection of sensitive WiFi data, Google is, at least to some degree, safe from serious penalties in New Zealand. A police investigat...