More than a year after WhatsApp’s founders resigned in protest, Facebook is backtracking on its plans to include ads in the messaging app, according to...
Few technologies have sparked as much debate, held more promise or terrified more people than artificial intelligence (AI). Depending on who is talking, AI promises to usher in a n...
"Typically, you separate great brands to create enterprise value,” says Scott Galloway, a Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business. “Mark Zuc...
Former Facebook Director Donald Graham says that regulation of Google and Facebook will slow them down dramatically and probably impair their future...
There's an outstanding rumor that Facebook users would have to pay in order to keep using the service. While this rumor has been going on for years,...
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, Facebook revealed that Cambridge Analytica was able to access personal data of up to 87 million use...
In the midst of the fallout of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook recently announced that it will put an end to its Partner Categories progra...
Lawmakers from the United States and Britain are heaping criticisms on Facebook and founder Mark Zuckerberg after reports revealed that Cambridge An...
Facebook saw a decline in usage for the first time in its history, undoubtedly brought about by certain changes made to its News Feed. Despite that,...
Thanks to 2017 being a banner year for a host of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, everyone on Earth is now aware of the existence of these digital assets....