American Ninja Warrior is a popular adaptation of the already popular Ninja Warrior (known in Japan as Sasuke). The Japanese version aired on G4 for a nu...
FairSearch is calling attention to a new campaign by The Open Internet Project seeking to raise "further scrutiny" of Google's potential settlement with the European Commission ove...
The Competition Commission of India has reportedly launched a new antitrust investigation into Google's business practices following a complaint that Google allegedly blocked a bus...
Google has been fined by the Competition Commission of India (CCI) to the tune of roughly $166,000 (US) in relation to an antitrust probe launched two years ago.
The probe bega...
Chelsie Hightower may not be dancing as a pro on season 18 of Dancing With the Stars (DWTS), but she is weighing in on all of the performances from week one.
As you may know, Google has been in the middle of an EU antitrust investigation into its search business for three years. Google has submitted proposals for a settlement multiple t...
Google has reached a settlement with the European Union to end a three-year antitrust investigation. The EU announced this morning that it has obtained "an improved commitments pro...
Mutliple reports have come out showing a new style of Google result for stock searches, which add additional financial information, but remove links to competing financial sites li...