There's been a lot of talk over the years (especially post Panda update) about whether or not Google uses bounce rate as a ranking signal. In fact, even this morning at SMX Advance...
Matt Cutts has quite a following for a search engine engineer, and with good reason. He's in a pretty powerful position, leading the webspam team at Google, and being a "Distinguis...
This week, Google posted a new Webmaster Help video featuring Matt Cutts talking about a potential duplicate content issue. This time, he even broke out the whiteboard to illustrat...
Google's Matt Cutts put out a Webmaster Help video discussing how to alert Google when your competitors are engaging in webspam and black hat SEO techniques. The video was in r...
Google's Matt Cutts has put out a new Webmaster Help video discussing something that's probably on a lot of webmasters' minds these days: what if you linked to a good piece of cont...
Google uploaded a new Webmaster Help video from Matt Cutts, which addresses a question about the hardware/server-side software that powers a typical Googlebot server....