Microsoft has been doing everything in its power to get students using Office 365 - the company's cloud-based productivity software. The company has...
A person's search history can tell a lot about that person so it only stands to reason that a nation's search history can do the same. While not everybody may use Bing,...
So, you wanted to get an Xbox One this holiday season, but you just can't afford one. That's perfectly alright as your Xbox 360 will be receiving plenty of love this weekend in the...
Microsoft was one of the first to the digital note taking game with OneNote. Now it's just one of many in an ever growing field of apps that allow one to document their lives via s...
Armored trucks, super cars and zombies would all seem out of place in New York City at any other time of the year, but it all made perfect sense last night as Microsoft launched th...
Image search is a cornerstone of any search engine. That's why both Google and Bing are doing everything they can to improve image search to bring up the most relevant images for a...
Last week, Sony took over a hotel in New York City to launch the PS4 in North America. Tonight, Microsoft is doing something similar for the Xbox One, but claims to have taken over...
Before you leave on any trip, it's probably wise to search for hotels ahead of time. You might even want to book a room while you're at it. It was already easy enough to do so with...
The holidays are right around the corner and you're desperately trying to find that last minute gift for your significant other. If they happen to absolutely hate Google, Microsoft...