The truth is, this is getting ridiculous. Frankly, it's getting exhausting to keep up. The iPhone 5 rumors have been flying around for months, which is fine, but the release date s...
Foursquare has made brand pages "self-serve". This means brands can create their own pages, acquire followers, share updates, check-in at places, etc. You know, like a social netwo...
Facebook has acquired Push Pop Press, and it's going to be quite interesting to see what they do with it.
Push Pop Press created the iPad for Al Gore's book "Our Choice," but it...
Today is another day, so naturally, there are more iPhone 5 rumors going around. Another rumor has come from the supply chain, as they often do, indicating that the device may come...
Rumors have been going around for months that the next version of the iPhone would see the light of day in September. Here it is now August, and it appears to be getting closer....
The next version of the Windows Phone operating system - Mango - has been released to the first manufacturers who will produce devices built around it.
"This marks the point i...
Finally, some good news from Netflix. I've been using Netflix for years, and some it's pained me to have to report on various stories about the company recently: an...
During a Cheap Trick Concert at the Ottawa Bluesfest yesterday, the stage collapsed while the band was performing as severe weather hit.
"The stage blew down and collapsed. Eve...
Laura Chambers, senior director of PayPal Mobile, gave the audience at MobileBeat a demo of a new P2P NFC solution today, which lets people transfer money "in a matter of seconds"...
Facebook has launched a new mobile application that will give users around the world a full social experience on over 2,500 phones. The new app is obviously targeted for people wit...