The actor who portrayed Khal Drogo on HBO's Game of Thrones might be joining the cast of Zack Snyder's upcoming Batman vs. Superman film. Jason Momoa has been rum...
DC Comics and its parent company, Warner Bros. Entertainment, have been trying for years now to catch up with Disney and Marvel in the film industry. Though adaptations of smaller...
We first meet Kate Upton's character Amber in the Nick Cassavetes (The Notebook) girl-powered revenge comedy The Other Woman as she's running on the beach. It's...
The next time you see sky, it'll be over another town. The next time you take a test, it'll be in some other school. Our parents, they want the bestest stuff for us. But right...
Xenu, the 75-million-year-old dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" described in Scientology doctrine has allegedly shined his celestial light upon Orange Is the New Black...
A lawsuit filed on Wednesday has accused X-Men film franchise director Bryan Singer of sexually abusing a teenage male 15 years ago. According to a civil suit filed in U.S...
With a new movie coming out, it only makes sense that we'd be seeing Marlon Wayans' face everywhere.
On Friday, fans can see the second installment of A Haunted House,...
Before Anna Paquin became Sookie Stackhoue in the popular HBO melodrama True Blood, the actress made a name for herself playing Rogue in Marvel's X-Men movie adaptations....
Captain America: The Winter Soldier has already broken box office records this spring, kicking off yet another early summer blockbuster season. By all accounts the movie...
You wouldn't think that an actor as successful as Pierce Brosnan would have many insecurities. However, he recently revealed that he does, and is very insecure about watching hims...