Broadway star Josh Gad may be about to take on the role of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in Jobs, the indie biopic about the life of Steve Jobs. Slated to begin shooting...
"The Expendables" was a highly successful movie. It featured "washed up" 80's action stars in a fantastic action movie that played huge on both cheesy 80's action movies...
Nowadays there are so few films that I truly look forward to seeing in the theatre. It's truly quite sad. I can literally count on one hand how many films I want to see during the...
As if you needed another excuse to go see The Avengers... What we have is Warner Brothers announcing they're plans to release another full-length trailer for The Dark...
It's undeniable that the Uncharted series from Naughty Dog is one of the most cinematic series to embrace gaming. You could even argue that the series should be a movie. There are...
We all have that old movie that really hit home and for some reason means a lot to us. For me it was always "Back To The Future." For some reason the ideas and possibilities that o...
HBO Films' has released a trailer for their upcoming "Hemingway & Gellhorn". The film, which is slated to air on May 28th, tells the story of two American writers, Ernest Hemingway...
Full disclosure: Back in the day, I was a notorious Star Wars toy collector. I had dozens upon dozens of figures in my personal collection, though, being a kid at the time, I took...