Michael J. Fox has returned to television and will be the star of his own show, The Michael J. Fox Show. Michael J. Fox is a film and television actor mostly known for his...
Christina Aguilera still feels as sexy as she has ever been at the age of 32. She has been viewed as one of the most beautiful celebrities since she rose to fame in 1999 with her d...
After 11 years in late-night television, talk-show host Carson Daly is trading his midnight rendezvous to become the early bird that catches the worm....
Drop a challenge? Leave it up to funny man pundit Stephen Colbert to lay down a gauntlet.
During an episode of the Colbert Report, a popular late-night cable show, he paired up...
The Bible is getting a sequel. No, not that Bible, the other one. The mini-series, not the book. NBC announced today that they were partnering with Mark Burnett and his wife Roma D...
I'm pretty sure that if that whole newsman thing doesn't work out, NBC News anchor Brian Williams could have a promising future in the rap game. Jimmy Fallon has a good bit going h...
Good news for Amazon Prime Instant Video customers today, as Amazon has just announced an expanded licensing agreement with NBCUniversal that will bring a handful of NBC, USA, and...
Michael J. Fox is returning to network television, and his new show, in which he plays a television personality with Parkinson's disease returning to television, looks pretty enter...