Bing has launched some new mobile features, including Facebook sharing, news, maps/list split view, search history, and trending topics.
Users can now share images, local busin...
As you may or may not know, I typically watch the domain name purchases of many of the web’s biggest brands online. And I do it on a regular basis. Some of these purchases are...
Google launched some new features for Google News today. The most obvious change is that on the front page, after the top section, you will no longer immediately see story clusters...
AOL has announced the launch of AOL Industry, a new trade media unit, which will see the growing media juggernaut tackling specific industry niches. This will begin with sites in t...
Mashable founder Pete Cashmore tweeted that Monday was the biggest traffic day ever for the publication (in terms of unique visitors. Clearly, it stands to reason that the death of...
Obviously the Osama bin Laden news drove (and continues to drive) a massive amount of news coverage from all sorts of publications. Coverage from tech blogs has taken some criticis...
Late night reporting has to be exhausting, and with all the scrambling around to come up with the breaking Bin Laden news on Sunday, people were bound to make mistakes.
Google has done a lot in the past to make Google News more personalized. With the flow of information not slowing down in the slightest, personalized news consumption vehicles are...
Facebook is getting more and more serious about news. Today, the company announced the launch of some new journalist resources, including a Page called "...