This may come as a shock to you, but it’s a good idea not to piss your customers off. And nothing pisses customers off more than poor customer service. That goes for online busines...
Shoppers appeared to get a head-start on the Black Friday shopping scramble by resorting to online retail on Thanksgiving Day to commence the holiday shopping season. Among the top...
Companies that sell stuff online may have a rather profitable stretch of years ahead of them if a new forecast from eMarketer is to be believed. eMarketer thinks U.S. retail ecomm...
Williams-Sonoma was named as the best online retailer during the 2010 holiday season, with an availability of 99.98 percent and an average response time of 11.58 seconds...
Heading into the holiday season, many economic experts seemed to fear that the average present would be a homemade scarf or coffee mug. Instead, the latest (and probably l...
As we wrap up 2010, there's still more evidence online retailers came out of the holiday shopping season in good shape. Experian Hitwise shared data indicating that retail...
Many retail sites that cater to people in the UK had a great time of things yesterday. In keeping with tradition (and barring some strange New Year's Eve surge), new UK-sp...