Does the fact that companies like Facebook, Microsoft, IBM, and Intel mean that CISPA is the friendly, less intrusive version of SOPA or are these companies supporting the bill for...
There's an important copyright case being heard at the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals concerning DMCA and repeat infringers. Simply put, if a site owner responds to DMCA complaints...
The District Court for the Northern District of California today ruled against copyright holders, saying that it will not assist them to identify BitTorrent users. The copyright ho...
Now, before we delve into the Chris Dodd interview that's making waves around the Internet, it should be noted that, if the bill is resurrected or revitalized, it probably won't be...
So long, SOPA. It's been real, and it's been fun, but it hasn't been really fun. It's time to celebrate because SOPA's dead, right? But wait, what's this CISPA thing...
Remember when Google defended itself from any culpability due to "safe-harbor" protection from hosting copyright-infringing material and, instead, argued that the responsibility of...
Folks, you might want to get those Guy Fawkes masks out, and start working on your next anti-ACTA sign, because there's a very real chance the European Parliament is going to circu...
Online piracy is a global problem in regards to both consumers and industry groups. Expensive media, low incomes and cheap digital technology are said to be the primary reasons for...
Content producers at a conference in Ottawa recently received a surprising message. Piracy is good. Canadian Indie producers were told at a media conference on Thursday that illega...
If you're going to try to sue a website because of the site's members' activity, you might want to reconsider given a new report about the success rate of such legal pursuits. Inte...