Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has decided to postpone action on the Protect IP Act.
In a statement, Reid said "In light of recent events, I have decided to postpone Tuesday'...
The highest court in Iran has upheld a death sentence for a web developer for "being part of a 'network of decadence on the Internet.'"
Specifically, the Iran's Supreme Court ma...
Last night's CNN debate in South Carolina found all four remaining GOP candidates in harmony on one issue at least. They all feel that SOPA is overreaching and needs to be rethough...
MegaUpload, one of the world’s most popular file sharing sites, has been shut down by the federal government.
Washington has released a press release today saying that they hav...
Whenever we buy something new there's always a little bit of paranoia about it. What if your new car gets totalled on the way home from the lot? What if one of those new earrings f...
A 200-page file on Mitt Romney has been released online. The file is comprehensive in its coverage of Romney's political positions - as of 2008 anyway - on a wide variety of topics...
The 7th Annual State of the Net Conference commenced today featuring leading Internet policy gurus and discussion panels focusing on privacy/security issues, telecommunications reg...
A video, supposedly about Jon Huntsman, has been making the rounds. Posted on YouTube by someone with the user name "NHLiberty4Paul" on January 4, 2012, the amateurish compilation...
When all of this anti-SOPA smoke clears, it appears as if the only government official who will be left standing on the side of the stop piracy acts will be Lamar "SOPA Will Never...
Today is the day where many popular sites are blacking out in an effort to protest the anti-piracy bills that certain members of the government are so blindly trying to force down...