Since Google unleashed the original Penguin update, there has been a lot of finger pointing at the search giant. That continues to this day, and will likely continue for the forese...
Google's Matt Cutts has been making light of paid links all week, but in reality, Google isn't joking when it comes to enforcing this part of its quality guidelines. According to G...
Googe's Matt Cutts participated in a keynote discussion at SMX Advanced, and as you might have guess, the topics of Google's Penguin and Panda updates came up more than once.
SMX Advanced is officially underway in Seattle, and the first session was: The Periodic Table Of SEO: 2012 Edition. SMX's official description for the session is as follows:...
Matt Cutts has quite a following for a search engine engineer, and with good reason. He's in a pretty powerful position, leading the webspam team at Google, and being a "Distinguis...
Google announced the launch of the Browser Size analysis tool in Google Analytics, under the In-Page Analytics report. The tool shades the portions of a page that are "below the fo...
This week, Google posted a new Webmaster Help video featuring Matt Cutts talking about a potential duplicate content issue. This time, he even broke out the whiteboard to illustrat...
Infographic spam may soon take its rightful place in the grand lineage of splogs, duplicate-content articles and mass directory submissions.
Spinfographics. Get ready, because t...